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What to Expect

To make it easier, this page gives you some idea of what to expect at Hosanna Family Church.

What should I expect when I come?

Warm friendly people, engaging relevant music and worship, God’s word to be preached in a compelling way and an opportunity to meet God. You’ll be encouraged and maybe even challenged, but that’s ok.

Expect God. We can’t change lives but Jesus can. We expect the presence of God in all of our meetings! Where God is present there is joy, healing, hope and life. We come together to meet with and worship the Creator of the universe and to be changed by Him.

Expect Honesty.You don’t have the time to go to a fake religious ceremony, neither do we. Every sermon is real and honest. All teaching at HFC is from the Bible and from real life. We all need truth not gimmicks and hype.

Expect Love. At HFC you will be loved no matter what. You can be yourself. Urban, suburban, black, white, rich, poor, young and old, are all a part of HFC. We all find our identity and commonality at the foot of the cross.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever you want. We’re interested in you, not your clothes. Dress as casually, formal or informally as you feel comfortable, we're just glad to have you join us! Most folks are somewhere in the middle.

Will I be pushed to do something I don’t want to do?

No, you’re our guest. You will not be pushed to do anything you don’t want to do. HFC is a friendly church. Be prepared to be warmly greeted. There are a lot of great people to meet and a lot of great things happening on a Sunday morning, but the level of your participation will be totally up to you.

When and Where?

We are located @ 4505 Hwy 6 North, Ste. 600, Houston,TX 77084 - (for directions/map, click the Worship Opportunities Tab)

Parking and Sanctuary There plenty of spaces for parking. We also have reserved spaces for handicap. If further assistance is needed, a member of our staff will be more than happy to accommodate you.

Bibles -We encourage people to bring a Bible if they have one.

Style and format-The service will include a mix of traditional and contemporary worship songs. We are a non-denomination church that is led by the Holy Spirit.

After Service

Fellowship time: Please join us for a time of fellowship, getting to know each other, don’t feel the need to hurry up and leave

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